A Valentine

Go softly among the slings and arrows of outrageous cupids.

There is much ado about this “manufactured holiday” though I do not know how it might be more manufactured than Mothers’ or Fathers’ or Grandparents’ Day, which do not incite the same animosity.

Chaucer speaks of Valentine's Day  in the 14th Century:

For this was on seynt Volantynys day / Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make.

It is in Charles D’Orléans’ poems in the fifteenth

Le beau souleil, le jour saint Valentin
Le beau souleil, le jour saint Valentin,
Qui apportoit sa chandelle alumee,
N'a pas longtemps entra un bien matin
Priveement en ma chambre fermee.
Celle clarté qu'il avoit apportee,
Si m'esveilla du somme de soussy
Ou j'avoye toute la nuit dormy
Sur le dur lit d'ennuieuse pensee.

Ce jour aussi, pour partir leur butin
Les biens d'Amours, faisoient assemblee
Tous les oyseaulx qui, parlans leur latin,
Crioyent fort, demandans la livree
Que Nature leur avoit ordonnee
C'estoit d'un per* comme chascun choisy.
Si ne me peu rendormir, pour leur cry,
Sur le dur lit d'ennuieuse pensee.

Lors en moillant de larmes mon coessin
Je regrettay ma dure destinee,
Disant : " Oyseaulx, je vous voy en chemin
De tout plaisir et joye desiree.
Chascun de vous a per qui lui agree,
Et point n'en ay, car Mort, qui m'a trahy,
A prins mon per dont en dueil je languy
Sur le dur lit d'ennuieuse pensee. "


Saint Valentin choisissent ceste annee
Ceulx et celles de l'amoureux party.
Seul me tendray, de confort desgarny,
Sur le dur lit d'ennuieuse pensee.

At the dawn of the 17th Shakespeare gives the date to Ophelia’s voice as she sings

Tomorrow is Saint Valentine’s day,

  All in the morning betime,

 And I a maid at your window,

  To be your Valentine.

 Then up he rose, and donned his clothes,

  And dupped the chamber door.

 Let in the maid that out a maid

  Never departed more.

With a pedigree such as this I cannot see what is "manufactured" about the tradition of setting aside a date for lovers to woo. You certainly get more chances at love than you do a family (at which I utterly failed somehow twice over), and thus and thereby to create a family of choice. So you will find no Valengrinches here. Love came to me late, but come it did in its own time, on its own calendar, and with that came the family of two that is finally my own. I can only wish you the same, dear reader, Don't swat at that wingèd creature, he just may be what brings you happiness unhoped for. Go softly among the slings and arrows of outrageous cupids and may your bed be made with putti down.


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